About Us
How Refined Family Began
Refined Family flowed out of my own journey through trauma and trials. As I navigated through the valley, I became frustrated and discouraged as God opened my eyes to the many people who were silently suffering. I felt helpless. When people knew my story they felt compelled to share and I didn’t know how to help. I took 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 seriously, but I felt that God had given me a task I was not equipped for.
I can’t tell you how often people would ask me to speak to or write a loved one who had endured some sort of trial. On occasion, encouragement like shafts of light would break through the forest of depression. But that was rare. I usually had little to offer.
I began a journey with God to know Him and to understand my identity with Him. It was clear to me that I had head knowledge of Him, but I wanted more. This was a slow and painful passage. There were days, even weeks I wanted to give up, but He held me secure. My prodigal heart was no match for His grace and His love. He met me in a very dark place and began to lead me. He has given me a new heart and a love for people who are also struggling!
The purpose of Refined Family is to be a safe place for people to suffer and to offer the hope of the gospel. We see that happening in three primary phases.
1) Reassure – Early on when you are hurting so bad that you just want to know you’re not crazy, we want to reassure you that you are not alone. We’ve been there too.
2) Remind – Then when you are able, we’ll try to remind you of the truths of Scripture that easily get obscured by the pain. The enemy is a liar and pain can give credance to his whispers. We must cling to the truth.
3) Rejoicing – Finally, when you come to the place where you begin to glimpse the work that God is doing in your life through the refining fire, we want to give you a place to share your story so that others will be encouraged as well.
We hope you will find reassurance, reminders and be able to rejoice with our Savior in the midst of the trials in our broken world.

Kerry Tittle
Founder, Refined Family
Kerry Tittle is a mother of 10 children and a 20+-year homeschool veteran. She is the founder of Refined Family. Her desire is to honor Christ while comforting others with the comfort she has received from the Lord.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Refined Family Advisory Board
Becky Arnold
Becky is actively involved in E3 Club where her heart has been drawn to minister to inner city children from difficult homes. She loves to disciple and share Christ with them while she devotedly walks through difficult season with them. She and her husband Wade have 4 children and live in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Sandy Bell
Sandy is a home educator and an English teacher with Classical Conversations. She is actively involved in her church. She is a dedicated wife and mother and lives in Roland, Arkansas with her husband Harlen and their 5 children.
Ed Buckner
Ed is the Chief Meteorologist at THV 11 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Stephen F. Austin. He is actively involved in charity and civic groups and, in 2007, Ed opened up about his journey with Tourette Syndrome. He visits Arkansas schools statewide to teach understanding of the disorder. He also enjoys teaching weather education and safety. He and His wife Carolyn have 5 children and live in Benton, Arkansas.
Morgan Chalk
Morgan is the Financial Advisor for Refined Family. Morgan earned his BBA in Finance from the University of Georgia. Morgan and his wife Libby are active members in their church and community and live in Roswell, Georgia with their three children.
Holly Elliff
Holly is the wife of Dr. Bill Elliff, pastor of The Summit Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Married for over 35 years, she has eight children and fifteen grandchildren. Holly speaks at women’s retreats and seminars.
Marcia Finn
Marcia is a retired school teacher. She holds a BSE from the University of Arkansas in Elementary Education. She also, home educated her own children. She is actively involved in her church where she and her husband host disciple groups in their home. She and her husband Nick have been married for 47 years. They have 3 children, 2 grandchildren and live in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Bob Lepine
Bob is Senior Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of FamilyLife and Co-Host of FamilyLife Today®, FamilyLife’s nationally syndicated radio program.
Bob has a degree in communications from the University of Tulsa. He is the author of The Christian Husband. Bob and his wife, Mary Ann, live in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he also serves as an elder and teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Mary Ann Lepine
Mary Ann is the wife of Bob Lepine Co-host of Family Life Today. Those that know her, know of her unshakable love for Jesus and her passion for prayer. She and Bob been married for 39 years and have five children and two grandchildren. They live in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Kim Magnus
Kim is a devoted wife and mother of five children. She is actively involved in local ministry leading several women’s bible studies. Kim enjoys photography and teaching photography. She and her husband Jim have five children and have been married for thirty years. They live in Little Rock, Arkansas.
H. G. “Butch” Walker
Butch serves as the Business Manager for Refined Family. He is a certified Biblical Counselor and lives in Little Rock, Arkansas with his wife Karaña and their 5 children. Butch and Karaña are avid Sooners fans.