Grace in the Fire

Refined Family exists to help bring the grace of the gospel into the midst of God’s refining fire. We know that the Scripture tells us to “count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds” (James 1:2) and we affirm that God does, in fact, use trials to free us from our sin. But we also recognize that it can be difficult to see that when we are in the midst of the refining process.

As a result, we have defined our mission at Refined Family in terms of our 3 R’s: Reassure, Remind, and Rejoice. 


The first phase of the Refined Family mission is to come along side you in the midst of the refining fire and reassure you that, though everyone’s fire is different, we’ve been there. We know that it’s a very uncomfortable place to be and there aren’t any easy answers there. We don’t want to pretend there are.

But God is there. Whether it seems that way or not, He is. And He is setting the limits on the amount of heat that is applied.


The second phase of the Refined Family mission is to remind you of the truth. We understand that in the middle of the fire, sometimes it is difficult to think about anything else. That’s why we need the help of friends in our lives to help us see beyond the immediate circumstances and remember the larger realities that God’s Word reveals to us.


The second phase of the Refined Family mission is to remind you of the truth. We understand that in the middle of the fire, sometimes it is difficult to think about anything else. That’s why we need the help of friends in our lives to help us see beyond the immediate circumstances and remember the larger realities that God’s Word reveals to us.


The final phase of the Refined Family mission is to join you in rejoicing when you reach the point where you can see God’s goodness in the midst of your trials and the ways that He has been refining you to be more like Christ. It is appropriate that we both weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. We hope that you will share your rejoicing with all of us.

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